History of Science


How The Light Bulb Was Invented And Who Invented It?

Imagine, you happened to fall back in time to November, 1705 and imagine you happened to be admitted to the lecture hall of the Royal Academy in London, then you could have seen an incredible sight. Isaac Newton’s 45-year-old assistant named Francis Hauksbee (who was an expert in vacuum pumps) demonstrating a strange device, with …

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How Norman Lockyer Discovered Helium, Chromosphere And Nature Magazine

How did Norman Lockyer go from being a poor civil servant with no scientific background, to a famous astronomer who co-discovered and named the Chromosphere of the sun, determine that lines in the chromosphere were from a new element, named that new element Helium (after the Greek God of the sun Helios), and create and …

How Norman Lockyer Discovered Helium, Chromosphere And Nature Magazine Read More »

Radioactivity: Etymology/History and Physics

In July of 1898, Marie Sklodoska Curie and her husband Pierre Curie published the discovery of a new substance they called Polonium by declaring that they had found “Une nouvelle substance radio-active” (yeah, I got bad grades in French class, why do you ask) which is translated as“a new radio-active substance[i]”.  This is actually the …

Radioactivity: Etymology/History and Physics Read More »


Niel Bohr’s Nuclear Model: The Nuclear Model That Changed Physics

Niel Bohr said that before 1913 no one expected that the lines of color you get from burning hydrogen would tell you anything about physics even though the colors follow a pattern. Just like butterflies have patterns with the colors on their wings, “but nobody thought that one could get the basis of biology from …

Niel Bohr’s Nuclear Model: The Nuclear Model That Changed Physics Read More »