My Poynting Vector Video in

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About The Author

Kathy Joseph splits her time between writing her next book, making documentary videos based on her books for her YouTube channel, and giving talks about the history of science and the importance of context for learning science…

Kathy Joseph
Historian | Content Creator | Teacher | Author

The Lightning tamers


In this physics and engineering chronicle disguised as an electric time-travel adventure, Kathy Joseph, physicist, educator, and creator of the popular Kathy Loves Physics documentary channel on YouTube, shares the story of electricity through the linked breakthroughs of men and women in science.


Support Kathy

I am beyond excited that my first book “The Lightning Tamers” will be available on October 12.

I know that some of you are interested in an audiobook, but I am not sure how many. As it costs a lot and it takes a long time to make one, I thought it would be good to ask a little help to produce an audiobook for my book. 

Click on the button below to donate for the audiobook.

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