Kathy Joseph


How Spectroscopy Changed the World

Did spectroscopy, the study of how light is emitted and absorbed by heated objects, really revolutionize the sciences and fundamentally shift our understanding of the world?  In short… yes!  In Chemistry, spectroscopy quickly caused the identification of new elements and infrared spectroscopy is still used in chemical analysis to this very day.  In Astronomy, spectroscopy …

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The Wild Life of the Father of Nuclear Theory

Discover alpha and beta radiation, Radon, and the nucleus!  In 1909, a quirky and engaging New Zealander named Ernest Rutherford gave his co-worker’s new assistant some busywork to get him used to the equipment.  Rutherford wasn’t expecting to find any results.  Instead, the assistant found something startling.  Rutherford decided that the only way these results …

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How Marie Curie Discovered Radium

How was radium discovered in an unventilated shed?  Why was radioactivity discovered and called radioactivity?  What is, arguably, the most influential Ph.D. dissertation of all time?  Well, it all has to do with a fascinating woman named Marie Sklodowska Curie. Table of Contents Marie Curie’s Early Life How Radium Was Discovered The Radioactive Study References …

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JJ Thompson’s Discovery of Electron: Cathode Ray Tube Experiment Explained

JJ Thomson discovered the electron in 1897 and there are tons of videos about it.  However, most videos miss what JJ Thomson himself said was the motivating factor: a debate about how cathode rays move.  Want to know not only how but why electrons were discovered? Table of Contents The Start of JJ Thomson How …

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How Wilhelm Roentgen Started The X-ray Craze

X-ray was the first scientific discovery that wasn’t made famous through scientific publishing.  In fact, despite the fact that Roentgen wrote a startlingly prophetic and accurate paper about the discovery of this new ray in December of 1895, most scientists learned about it through their morning papers!  Therefore, the discovery of the x-ray should really …

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